But once the action starts, the cinematography really starts to shine. It takes a while for the story to really get going, just as it was with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the previous film.
It's a gorgeous-looking movie and nearly everything about it works. It takes a while for the story to Serving as a sequel that improves upon its predecessor, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes adds resonant depth to the complex political tragedy to the narrative of a long-living franchise. Serving as a sequel that improves upon its predecessor, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes adds resonant depth to the complex political tragedy to the narrative of a long-living franchise. However, Dawn triumphs more spectacularly in a way few films before it had done so through unsolicited and unforced emotion and depth that makes Dawn a true modern science fiction classic, something that the original creators of Planet of the Apes would be very proud of. Both Rise and Dawn are thought provoking films that challenge our perception of our very own species through another. A film that truly touches it's audience with heartfelt passion and remorse for humanity, Dawn is the kind of film that films as an art form and the film industry needs in general. Dawn really is something that deserves appreciation few films in our day can only dream of achieving what Dawn has.

With a plethora of solid characters from both ends of the tale, an explosive sequence of events and a rather poetic script, Dawn raises the bar for the Planet of the Apes franchise and other big-budget philosophical productions of it's caliber. An emotionally heavy and truly moving film, Dawn is an absolute marvel of modern science fiction, building upon the strong and unmovable foundations Rise of the Planet of the Apes had left earlier. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes falls short of being amazing. The only downfall is that this movie isn’t an IMAX 3D Experience. This is the best blockbuster of the year, and great fun for the entire family.

The characters, the cinematography, and plot are all impressively intriguing. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes surpasses it’s predecessor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, in every way. They speak less, but do when necessary, and it is breathtaking just as it was in the first film. The beautiful script is heard not only with the human cast, but the apes too. The loss of James Franco doesn’t even phase this cast, every character has a purpose and it shows on-screen. The CGI integration is seamless, especially when so many apes appear at once alongside humans. In one sequence the camera is rotated an entire 360 degrees revealing the destruction of humans and apes at war, which makes for the most dramatic scene in the entire movie. The way in which the intense battle sequences are filmed, set this movie apart from every other action blockbuster. The contrast from the lush green forests and the dilapidated San Francisco makes for a great setting, and the way it’s filmed cannot be understated. A war between apes and humans is inevitable and nothing can stop what is to come, not even Caesar. When the humans and apes try to work together Koba ruins every chance for peace through violence. Caesar is now in charge of the apes and only wants what’s best for his kind, but Koba, Caesar’s right hand man, has other ideas. The Apes are growing in numbers and strength, while the majority of humans are either dead from the simian flu or each other. Jason Clarke, Keri Russell, Gary Oldman, and many more amazing new characters that are trying to survive in the rundown city of San Francisco. Caesar’s companion, Will Rodman(played by James Franco) has died, which introduces the new cast. Caesar now has a family, including his rebellious son Blue Eyes, his wife, and newborn son. Caesar(played by Andy Serkis) returns as the ape leader in an even better performance than the original with the support of his returning ape friends Maurice and Koba. Caesar now has a family, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes takes place ten years after the first and much has changed. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes takes place ten years after the first and much has changed.